Monday, January 16, 2012

Saturated Canary......

Good Morning!!!
I hope all of you are having a nice New Year so far!!
With the weather the way it is here, I keep thinking
it is the fall!! LOL The kids had such a long break
for Winter and it was warm when we went back so it is
throwing me off!!

Anyways I have been collecting a bunch of Krista's
Saturated Canary images and finally got a chance to use one.
I have NOT been in the mood for making any cards lately
but needed one for my SIL's birthday last week.
I love this sweet image, but they are all so cute, it was
so hard to choose which one!!!

When one season is over ~ I have to admit to having a hard time
changing papers!! LOL Seriously it takes me awhile!
I just don't like change that much! That is why I went with green
and red ~ which I never use but it was still fresh in my head!

Papers ~ MME
Inks ~ distress inks and twinkling h20's
Embellies ~ flowers ~ MFT die, stars ~ Hobby Lobby
Banner die ~ WOJ, letters ~ Cuttlebug

Thanks so  much for stopping by! I hope you
all have a fabulous week! I am off with the girls
to find myself some jeans!! UGH! I have new boots
that I love and the jeans I usually buy are petite so I need
to get some long ones to wear with the boots!!
Take care!!!


Debbie (Little Gingham Bear) said...

Gorgeous card hun - great to see you back creating again xxx

Jill said...

Gorgeous card Kathy! I love the red and green and there is no chrismassy feeling to the card, it is just wonderful!
Love the banner and like always the white Kathy-toutch is perfect!
Great to see a card again from you my friend!
Hope the shopping went well, I have been out trying to find a bikini, as I am going to Thailand next month, but ended up with a new Marianne die and 30 sheets of
I think I have to craft me a new bikini ;)

Victoria said...

this is very beautiful, i have to admit i am still making christmas cards as i can't get blue and silver out of my head xxx

Jane said...

LOL I know what you mean about struggling to change out of the Christmas colour scheme - it kills my mojo every January! Your card is stunning! The colouring is incredible and I love the image and her spotty shoes. Gorgeous details as always! Happy New year to you too, hugs, Jane xxx

CraftyC said...

Your card is gorgeous Kathy, love it all!

Anonymous said...

i love this funny card

very beautifull


Rosietoes said...

Fab card Kathy. Love all the layers and the image is gorgeous.

Edna x

Crafteezee said...

Fabulous colouration Kathy and definitely not Christmasy. Absolutely love it.
Hugs Tracy x

Dena said...

Too sweet Kathy!! I know what you mean, it is really hard to pick from all the cute images Krista creates!!! Lovin the details!!!
Hope you had great holidays!
Hugs, Dena

Chrissy said...

Gorgeous Kathy, such fabulous colouring, love the design and details...beautiful.


debby4000 said...

Oh Kathy this is so cute and gorgeous too.

Katrina Turner said...

Gorgeous card Kathy! The colours work so well. I love the image and banner! Also the white distressed edging is fab!

I have a pile of Saturated Canary images waiting to be coloured! They are adorable.

Katrina x

Gina K said...

Adorable! Great job coloring the image. I love the layering, painting, and textures on this card.

Inkypinkydelights said...

Aw Kathy! This is gorgeous! I love it! Judy x

having a {me} day said...

Awww, this is just beautiful Kathy ... as always. I love these images too, but can't do the digis. Happy New Year to you! keeleyxx

Deb said...

Beautiful card Kathy, she is totally adorable, gorgeous details as always!
have a great weekend, Debxx

Grenouille Greetings said...

I know what you mean about which one to choose. I've coloured five SCs in the last week! This one of yours is a delight! Fabulous embellishment too! Hugs, Lesley

Pop's Cards said...

Morning sweetie this is simply stunning, hugs pops x

Murielle said...

Hello Kathy,
Your card is absolutely fantastic!!!
I love the look and image is so cute.
Big hugs, Mumur.

50cc scooters said...

This cards look so fabulous and wonderful.I really impress by this cards.It look so fabulous.

talha said...

Cards layout is gorgeous, and color combination is light, i hope adding dark colors make it much attractive.

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Gégé said...

Fabulous card, it's so chic, love it!!!
Gégé from France

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